Addressing the Cocaine Hippo in the Room: Ethical Dilemmas of Invasive Species Management under the Biodiversity Convention 

By ilrdigit | October 20, 2023 |

Written By Kathleen Burns The hippopotamus is listed as a vulnerable species and is facing serious anthropogenic threats in Africa.[1] Across the Atlantic Ocean, however, hippos are thriving in the Magdalena River basin of Colombia, making them the largest invasive animal in the world.[2] Their devastating impact on the surrounding environment presents an ethical dilemma…

Proposed Criminal Law Changes to Threaten North Macedonia’s Decades Long EU Ascension Aspirations

By ilrdigit | October 9, 2023 |

Written by Caitlyn Olson   Introduction Shortly after North Macedonia gained its independence from the former Yugoslavia in 1991, the Balkan state sought to rapidly establish its international legitimacy by becoming a member of the United Nations and signing the Stabilization and Association Agreement with the European Union (EU).[1] In 2004, the Agreement entered into…

Shoot for the Star(link)s – But First You Need a Targeting Analysis

By ilrdigit | September 29, 2023 |

Written by Elizabeth Staffeldt   INTRODUCTION The war in Ukraine has been a large part of the daily news cycle since the invasion in February 2022.[i] From the beginning, states have been providing aid to Ukraine by way of money and military goods.[ii] States have not been the only contributors to Ukraine’s fight against Russia.…

Positive Obligations and Climate Change Under the European Convention on Human Rights

By ilrdigit | September 6, 2023 |

Written by Alejandra Ureta Melcon   States’ blatant failure to take sufficient action, especially concerning mitigating emissions, has caused climate change to cross the line from a political talking point to a human rights emergency. Although the European Convention on Human Rights (“ECHR”) does not enshrine a specific right to a healthy environment, the European…