American University International Law Review
Volume 38, Issue 2
- One Choice in No Choice At All: Indonesia is Violating the International Convenant on Civil and Political Rights by Requiring Political Parties to Adhere to Its National Ideology of PANCASILA, Daniel Brezina
- Democracy Dies in Broad Daylight: How the Philippines’ Halted Media Speech Despite Its Commitment to the ICCPR, Alexis Mozeleski
- When the Race to Net Zero Becomes A Race to the Bottom: Human Rights Violations in the Renewable Energy Transition and the Extraterritorial Obligation to Protect Human Rights, Yogi Bratajaya
- La Responsabilidad De Los Estados Por Violaciones A Los Derechos Humanos Como Consecuencia Del Cambio Climático: El Rol Del Sistema Interamericano De Proteccion De Derechos Humanos, Jose Daniel Rodriguez Orue
- The Gendered Face of Climate Change: Exploring the Impact of Climate Change on Gender-Based Violence and the Role of State and Non-State Actors in Effecting Climate Justice, Hannah Wilson
- Criminalizing Environmental Degradation and Devastation: New Prospects for the ICC Rome Statute, Kelly Pisimisi
- La Limitacion De Los Derechos Humanos En La Lucha Contra El Cambio Climático: El Caso De Los Derechos Culturales De Las Porlaciones Indigenas Y La Energia Hidroelectrica De Embalse En America Latina, Sebastian Sauter Odio
- La Migracion Ambiental En La Frontera Colombo-Ecuatoriana: ¿Es Suficiente La Protección Internatcional Para Los Eco-Refugiados?, David Delgado