American University International Law Review
Volume 36, Issue 3
- The Challenge of COVID-19 and the World Health Organization’s Response: The Principal-Agent Model Revisited, Miron Mushkat and Roda Mushkat
- A Monopoly as Vast as the Amazon: How Amazon’s Proprietary Data Collection is a Violation of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, Alexis Adams
- No Child Should Feel Left Behind: The Illegality of Orphanage Voluntourism under Article 19 of the United Nations Convention of the Rights of a Child, Lily Baron
- The Olives of Others: The United States Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Duties on Ripe Olives from Spain, Gregory Frering
- The Promise of International Law: A Third World View, James Thuo Gathii
- Disciplinary Privilege and the Promise of Decampment: A Response to James Thou Gathii, Fleur Johns